26th Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee Meeting Held to Further Cooperation and Enhance Power Trade in the GMS

The 26th Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee Meeting was held to further cooperation and enhance power trade among members of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) on 26-27 November in Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Hosted by Viet Nam's Electricity Regulatory Authority, participants included energy officials from GMS member countries and representatives of ADB and development partners.
Ms. Zhang Qian, National Energy Administration, People’s Republic of China, noted the need for extensive and practical cooperation in electricity trade and grid connection in the region. She underscored that investments in knowledge and training are as important as investments in infrastructure.
GMS Grid Code
ADB’s updates on the GMS Grid Code discussed compliance assessment of the GMS Grid Code, strategy for enforcing the GMS grid code, work plan for GMS grid codes and operationalization of GMS synchronous areas; and progress of regional energy master plan.
This session on grid codes emphasized the need for an inter-Governmental governmental memorandum of understanding. A suggestion to form a regional authority to enforce the grid code was put forth in the meeting, for further discussion. The session also suggested conducting further inquiry into the existing gaps within countries that need to be addressed to facilitate grid interconnection in the region.
GMS Regional Master Plan Study
Discussing the interim results of the GMS Regional Energy Master Plan study reflected that improving the region’s transmission lines, increasing generation, and facilitating more power trade could lead to savings estimated at $20 billion. The study is being conducted to develop a regional generation and transmission master plan for the GMS region.
Power System Development, Cooperation, and Trade
Country presentations by the participants indicated continued growth of electricity demand across the region; increasing generation capacity, reduction in power losses, priority on developing renewable energy resources; and enhanced power cooperation with neighboring countries through memorandums of understanding.
Regional Energy Trading
The meeting highlighted that many building blocks are now in place to enable energy trading to flourish in the GMS. However, gaps exist, and these need to be identified to further boost energy trading in the region.
The Working Group on Regulatory Issues recommended undertaking a pilot study of grid to grid trading involving three countries, in coordination with the Working Group for Planning and Operation. The planned pilot will apply principles and methodologies developed by the RPTCC, identify methodology gaps, and implement third party access and related regulations to facilitate grid-to-grid trade.
ADB Commitment in the GMS Energy Sector
The meeting also discussed ADB's support to introduce strategic environmental assessments into power development planning. The draft GMS Strategy 2030, and the GMS Regional Investment Framework (RIF) 2022 were also discussed.
Read the Conference Proceedings.
Last Updated: 12 February 2020