Enhancing Community Competitiveness and Resilience through Ecosystem- Based Approaches (Loan)

Low-Carbon Forestry in GMS Economic Corridors (Loan)

Trans-Boundary Biodiversity Landscape Management in Mekong Headwaters, Sino-Vietnamese Limestone Mountains, and Tenasserim Mountains

Global Environment Fund (GEF) Regional Biodiversity and Forestry Program

Enhancing Implementation of CASP Phase II (including the Development of CASP Phase III)

Strengthening Regional Weather-Based Risk Insurance in the GMS

Implementing the Greater Mekong Subregion Core Agriculture Support Program (Phase 2) (Supplementary) - additional financing

Enhancing Food Security by Building Resilient Food Production System in the GMS (TA)

Agri-Tourism Value Chain Development

Biosafety, Transboundary Disease Control, and Invasive Plant Species Prevention in the GMS

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