Study of the Lao-Thailand-Viet Nam East-West Transport Corridor (TA 5710)


Project TBD
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Type TA
Sector Transport
Country Regional
Start 1996
End -
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 3,100

Project Description

The objective of the PPTA is to prepare a project for improving the transport corridor linking northeast Thailand with southern Lao PDR and central Viet Nam. This activity will include (i) surveys and investigations to establish the location and condition of the existing road and port facilities, material sources, etc.; and (ii) preparation of detailed technical designs, cost estimates, and technical specifications for the proposed improvements. The detailed engineering scope will also include a bridge across the Mekong River 12-15 km north of Mukdahan and Savannakhet towns, and border-crossing infrastructre. The activity will also include a survey to determine the location and degree of contamination by unexplored ordnance.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


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News and Multimedia

  • Prepared a project for the improving the transport corridor linking northeast Thailand with southern Lao PDR and central Viet Nam.