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Project Name Country Type Status Sector Start
Feasibility Study for Thakhek Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Regional TA Cancelled Multisector -
Programmatic Support to Strengthen Environmental Management Regional Loan Cancelled Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development -
Southern Siem Reap bypass road (42.64 km) Cambodia Loan Cancelled Transport -
GMS Road Corridors Maintenance (TA) Regional TA Cancelled Transport -
Strengthening Capacity Building for Logistics Small and Medium Enterprises along GMS Corridors Regional TA Cancelled Industry and Trade -
Strategic Study on the Development and Management of the GMS Motorway Network System Regional TA Cancelled Transport -
Border Control Facilities at Border Crossing Points: Tarchileik, Muse Myanmar Loan Cancelled Transport -
Scoping Study on the Future of the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) Regional TA Cancelled Energy -