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Project Name Country Type Status Sector Start
The Construction of a New Railway Line from Baan Pai (Khon Kaen) to Mahasarakham, Roi Et, Mukdahan, and Nakhon Phanom Thailand Loan Future Transport -
Border Trade Zone in Muse, Kampitee, and Shinshwehaw Regional Loan Future Multisector -
Formulation of Travel Guidelines along the Main GMS Corridors Regional TA Future Industry and Trade -
Upgrading of Wan Pong Port with 500-ton container-handling facilities Myanmar Loan Future Transport -
Capacity Building in Labor Migration Management Regional TA Future Education -
Common Tourism Standards Implementation Program Regional TA Future Industry and Trade -
Luang Prabang- Dien Bien Phu (107 km - section Phu Thit Pheung - Na Sone/Lao- Vietnam Border) Lao PDR Loan Future Transport -
Urban Infrastructure Improvement Project (Bago Region) Myanmar TA Future Water and Other Urban Infrastructure and Services -
Child-Safe Tourism Program and GMS Conference on Preventing Child Sex Tourism Regional TA Future Industry and Trade -
Loilem-Kyaington Road Section (359 km) (GMS Road Section of R7 and Secondary Road of Corridor) Myanmar Loan Future Transport -
Regional Development Project Myanmar TA Future Water and Other Urban Infrastructure and Services -
Climate Resilience and Green Growth Planning Program Regional TA Future Industry and Trade -
Thanaleng Border-Crossing Infrastructure Improvement Lao PDR Loan Future Transport -
Climate Proofing of Rural Infrastructure and Risk Financing Lao PDR Loan Future Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development -
Urban Infrastructure Improvement Project (Kyaikhto) Myanmar TA Future Water and Other Urban Infrastructure and Services -
Broadband Development Strategies and Implementation Programs of the GMS (TA) Regional TA Future Information and Communication Technology -
Upgrading of NR8 East-West Transport Route; ASEAN Highway AH15 (Ban Lao-Nan Phao) Lao PDR Loan Future Transport -
Feasibility Study for Mae Sot-Myawaddy-Hpa an-Thaton Rail Line Regional TA Future Transport -
Monitoring GMS Visitor Satisfaction Regional TA Future Industry and Trade -
Economic Corridor Agribusiness Development Myanmar TA Future Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development -
Ruili (PRC)-Kyaukpyu (Myanmar) Highway Myanmar Loan Future Transport -
Hekou-Lao Cai (249 km) PRC Loan Future Transport -
Lao PDR - Viet Nam Power Transmission Interconnection II Regional Loan Future Energy -
Savannakhet-Lao Bao Railway Project (220 km) Lao PDR Loan Future Transport -
GMS-IS Phase II in Myanmar Regional Loan Cancelled Information and Communication Technology -