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Project Name Country Type Status Sector Start
Greater Mekong Subregion Nam Ngum 3 Hydropower Project (Loan 2819) Lao PDR Loan Cancelled Energy 2011
Greater Mekong Subregion Nam Ngum 3 Hydropower Project (TA) Lao PDR TA Cancelled Energy 2011
LAO: Second Northern GMS Transport Network Improvement (Grant 0234) Lao PDR Grant Ongoing Transport 2010
VIE: Second Northern GMS Transport Network Improvement Viet Nam Loan Ongoing Transport 2010
GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridor (ADF) (Grant - Cambodia) Cambodia Grant Ongoing Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development 2010
GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridor (ADF) (Grant - Lao PDR) Lao PDR Grant Ongoing Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development 2010
GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridor (ADF) (Loan - Viet Nam) Viet Nam Loan Ongoing Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development 2010
Greater Mekong Subregion Ben Luc-Long Thanh Expressway Project - Tranche 1 (Loan) Viet Nam Loan Closed Transport 2010
Promoting Renewable Energy, Clean Fuels, and Energy Efficiency in the Greater Mekong Subregion Regional TA Closed Energy 2010
Trade Facilitation: Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Handling in Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Trade (TA) Regional TA Closed Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development 2010
Provincial Roads Improvement Project Cambodia TA Closed Transport 2010
Community-Based Rural Road Maintenance by Women Ethnic Minority Groups in Western Yunnan (TA) PRC TA Closed Transport 2010
GMS-LAO: Northern GMS Transport Network Improvement (Grant - Supplementary) Lao PDR Grant Closed Transport 2010
Planning the GMS Railway Coordination Office Regional TA Closed Transport 2010
Guangxi Southwestern Cities Development Project (OCR) PRC Loan Closed Water and Other Urban Infrastructure and Services 2010
Greater Mekong Subregion Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management IV (TA - 2nd Supplementary) Regional TA Closed Public Sector Management 2010
Second Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Communicable Diseases Control Project (ADF) (Grant - Cambodia) Cambodia Grant Closed Health 2010
Second Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Communicable Diseases Control Project (ADF) (Grant - Lao PDR) Lao PDR Grant Closed Health 2010
Second Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Communicable Diseases Control Project (ADF) (Loan) Viet Nam Loan Closed Health 2010
Greater Mekong Subregion Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management IV (TA - 1st Supplementary) Regional TA Closed Public Sector Management 2010
Strengthening Local Chambers of Commerce and Industry along the East-West Economic Corridor to Promote Trade, Investment and Value Chains Regional TA Closed Industry and Trade 2010
Strengthening the Coordination of the GMS Program (TA) Regional TA Closed Multisector 2010
Greater Mekong Subregion: Capacity Building for HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (LAO, VIE) Regional TA Closed Health 2010
Yunnan Integrated Road Network Development (OCR) (Loan) PRC Loan Closed Transport 2010
Greater Mekong Subregion Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Project - Social Safeguards Monitoring (TA - 1st Supplementary) Lao PDR TA Closed Energy 2010