Promoting Subregional Cooperation Among Cambodia, the PRC, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam Phase II


Project TBD
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Type TA
Sector Public Sector Management
Country Regional
Start 1993
End 1997
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 5,260
Confinancing Source: Sweden

Project Description

Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and Yunnan Province of the People's Republic of China - collectively referred to as the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) - share borders and natural resources, and also have close cultural links. Until recently however, economic interaction within the GMS has been limited, and, as a consequence, the development potential of the area - except for Thailand - has not been realized. The onset of peace in the area and the transition of the former centrally-planned economies of the GMS to more open and marke-based economic systems have laid the foundation for closer cooperation among the six countries. To promote such cooperation, the Bank has supported a program of economic cooperation among GMS countries (the Program) since 1992. Phase I of the Program was undertaken through a small-scale RETA (TA No. 5487-REG), which was implemented from August 1992 to January 1993. The key activities under Phase I included consultations between the Bank stucy team and each of the participating countries; preparation of a draft framework paper on subregional economic cooperation; and convening of a conference to discuss the results of the consultations and agree on the next steps. The first Subregional Conference, held in Manila on 20-21 October 1992, reached a consensus to proceed further with Phase II. RETA 5535 constituted the Bank's support to Phase II of the Program.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


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News and Multimedia

  • Provided support to the GMS countries to accelerate the implementation of priority projects.
  • Transport. Implemented the East-West Corridor and the accompanying agreements in facilitating cross-border movement of goods and people, resolved issues for the Kunming-Chiang Rai Road Project, prepared the feasibility study for the Kunming-Haiphong Corridor, and assessed the results of the preinvestment study of the East-West Corridor.
  • Energy. Facilatated technical assistance for a regional indicative master plan; coordinated on technical issues for regional power trade; conducted discussions on a regional protocol or treaty on power trade.
  • Telecommunications. Facilitated technical assistance for telecommunications policy formulation and improvements in the regulatory framwork, and catalyzed private investments for the development of the subregional telecommunications system.
  • Tourism. Facilitated project preparation work for a package of tourism infrastructure projects, and reviewed the institutional framework and roles for subregional cooperation in tourism.
  • Human Resources Development. Conducted project development work on HIV/AIDS prevention and control, and higher education; and assessed the social implications of economic corridor development.
  • Environment. Facilitated an investment project for critical wetlands and remote watersheds linked to the objectives of reducing poverty; and forged an agreement on a strategic environmental framework that would define high-risk, environmentally fragile areas to urgent environmental projection.
  • Trade. Facilitated technical assistance for national capacity building to support trade and improved the regulatory framework for international trade.
  • Investment. Facilitated technical assistance for capacity building to support investment promotion and investment facilitation.
  • Help the GMS countries to participate more effectively in subregional cooperation by strengthening institution mechanisms for program management and national capacity for subregional planning, coordination, and implementation.