Preparing the Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Communicable Diseases Control Project (TA - Additional Co-Financing)


Project 37621-022
Related Projects Search
Type TA
Sector Health
Country Regional
Start 2005
End 2007
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 250
Confinancing Source: Belgium TA Grants

Project Description

The TA will help (i) assess CDC efforts in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam in the context of the GMS; (ii) identify priorities for, and feasibility of strengthening CDC programs and coordination; and (iii) prepare a project proposal based on these priorities. The Project will support MDGs of reducing child and maternal mortality, and containing and beginning to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and communicable diseases by reducing the burden of common communicable diseases in vulnerable populations, particularly among women and children; and reducing the economic cost of endemic diseases and emerging epidemics. The objectives would broadly be to (i) improve regional CDC coordination; (ii) ensure timely and appropriate control of epidemics that are likely to have a major impact on public health and the economy; (iii) reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS in high-risk populations; and (iv) reduce the burden of endemic infectious diseases of remote populations, including in border areas. The scope of the Project will be determined during the TA. The indicative project components are (i) harmonizing and advocating CDC strategies, quality standards, and services through regional networking and institutional collaboration; (ii) strengthening surveillance systems and implementation of WHO IHR; (iii) preventing HIV/AIDS in high-risk populations; and (iv) developing district-wide integrated CDC systems for remote populations.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


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  • More detailed planning for regional disease control, including (i) detailed needs assessment of the surveillance and response system in Viet Nam, and (ii) detailed regional planning for HIV/AIDS prevention and control for migrant and mobile populations.
  • Improved and assessed the response capacity for the control of avian influenza in Viet Nam and Cambodia, and Lao PDR.