Na Bong-Udon Thani Power Transmission Project


Project 41689-012
Related Projects Search
Type TA
Sector Energy
Country Lao PDR
Start 2007
End 2011
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 910

Project Description

The impact of the PPTA will be to promote the economic growth of the country and region by helping Lao PDR to develop its hydroelectric power resource in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. It will also promote power trade in the GMS. The outcome of the TA will be to formulate the proposed project-s financing program, using the MFF and preparing two loans that are structured and scheduled to suit the commercial operation schedule of the four hydropower developers. PPTA consultants will also prepare the legal documents for the subsequent operation of the common transmission facility provided through the proposed project and assist the Government in negotiating agreements with EGAT based on these documents

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


Contact 1
Contact Name Bui, Duy-Thanh
Organization Asian Development Bank
Contact 2
Contact Name -
Organization -
Email -

News and Multimedia

  • Enhanced regional cooperation in the power sector. Increased export capacity to Thailand by 1155 MW in 2012 and additional 261 MW in 2014.