Guangxi Roads Development II (PPTA-PRC)


Project 35337-012
Related Projects Search
Type TA
Sector Transport
Country PRC
Start 2003
End 2005
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 650

Project Description

The proposed expressway of Nanning (Tanluo) to Baise, an important part of the national trunk like from Hengyang to Kunming, will play a key role in the social and economic development of Western Region in China. The Project (i) conforms to the national development policies and strategies for Western Region, thus leading to attaining great multi-support from central government and local governments. It will (ii) enhance the PRC national highway system to speed up the provincial transportation development so that the gap of provincial economy between Central Region and Western Region can be narrowed. Furthermore, it will (iii) provide a fast and convenient passageway for Western Region such as Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province and Sichuan Province to access to the seaports in Guangxi, Hongkong, Macao and some wealthy area in Guangdong Province; therefore, tourism and economic development in southwest area will be boosted quickly. The TA aims to assist the Government in preparing an expressway project to enhance economic growth and reduce poverty by providing efficient and safe transport infrastructure and services in Guangxi. The TA will (i) assist the Guangxi Communications Department in refining the feasibility study, environmental impact assessment, and resettlement plan in conformity with ADB's requirements, and (ii) review the road subsector issues, such as construction quality, local road component, poverty impact of road projects, poverty impact monitoring through socio-economic indicators, project performance management system, vehicle emission controls, road safety, corporatization, resettlement, and so on under the Project.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


Contact 1
Contact Name Jraiw, Kim
Organization Asian Development Bank
Contact 2
Contact Name -
Organization -
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  • Promoted pro-poor economic growth and social development in the GZAR.
  • Increased in domestic and foreign direct investment in the project area.
  • Per capita incomes, number of poor people, and access to social services in the project area.
  • Employment generation during project implementation and operation, and decline in the number of poor people.