Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement in Cambodia, Lao People-s Democratic Republic and Thailand (PROMISE)


Project TBD
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Type TA
Sector Education
Country Regional
Start 2017
End -
Status Ongoing
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 8,300
Confinancing Source: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Project Description

PROMISE is a new regional program led by the IOM that will strengthen the linkages between labor migration to Thailand and efforts to reduce poverty in the region, with a particular focus on engaging employers and training institutions in skill development, facilitating ethical recruitment and protection, and improving the safety of migration and the access of migrant workers to decent employment opportunities. PROMISE will establish partnerships between employers in Thailand and skill-development partners based in Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Thailand to develop market-driven and migrant-centered skills training, and promote ethical recruitment models that will improve the protection and employability of migrants. PROMISE will also facilitate greater cross-border exchanges, as well as bilateral and subregional collaboration on skill development and certification. In addition, the return and reintegration component will broaden the opportunities for returning migrants to utilize their skills and invest their social and financial capital productively upon their return. PROMISE will also build the capacity of migrant support services in Cambodia, the Lao PDR, and Myanmar to provide reintegration services and enhance the linkages of these services with employment offices, skills certification authorities, financial institutions, and professional associations. Finally, PROMISE will work to support migrant-protection frameworks at the national and subregional levels, engaging in policy development and capacity building of governments and non-state actors (including the promotion of the employer-paid ethical recruitment model).

Progress (as of March 2021)

Ongoing. PROMISE will complete its third year of implementation in September 2020. Progress achieved includes provision of up-to-date information on COVID-19 prevention; border closures and labor migration policy in migrant workers- languages; awareness-raising and consultations with employers, government counterparts, CSOs on migrant protection in the COVID-19 context; development of online training models on rights and skills; formalization of partnership on skills development and certification for migrant domestic workers; operationalizing on-the-job trainings; development of good practices guidelines on skills development; integration of safe migration training in migrant outreach initiatives; and providing immediate assistance and jobs-matching services for returning migrants through migrant resource centers (MRCs) in countries of origin.


Contact 1
Contact Name Ms. Vivian Liang
Organization IOM Thailand
Email hliang@iom.int
Contact 2
Contact Name -
Organization -
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