Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change in the Health Sector in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Project Description
This regional capacity development technical assistance (TA) will work with regional academic and research institutions, as well as with public health and environmental authorities, to build the scientific knowledge needed to address the health impact of climate change and quantify the additional burden of affected health outcomes. It will support workforce development by training a new generation of competent and experienced public health staff to respond to the threats posed by climate change and incorporate mainstream climate concerns into health policies and programs. It will increase awareness in the public and private sectors of the significance of climate change, and identify potential public- private partnerships (PPPs) for the implementation of adaptation measures, such as climate-proof infrastructure.
Progress (as of March 2021)
Ongoing. Key knowledge products including (i) training materials; (ii) vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessments; and (iii) Climate and Health Atlas have been finalized and submitted to ADB. The TA also supported the three countries to update or develop their Health National Adaptation Plans (HNAP). Remaining activities include knowledge dissemination and advocacy events planned for Q4 2020. The project will close by 31 December 2020. Viet Nam: V&A assessment on climate change and human health has been conducted. Training materials package for local health staff has been developed, and regional and provincial trainings have been conducted. Delivery of early warning system on climate change and human health for use is anticipated. National training, involving experts from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, and other national institutions and universities, has been set up. The training activities on climate change and human health are not only for health staff but also for students in universities. The international workshop on climate change and human health will be held at end-2020.
Contact 1 | |
Contact Name | Xu, Ye |
Organization | Asian Development Bank | | |
Contact 2 | |
Contact Name | - |
Organization | - |
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