Greater Mekong Subregion Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project (Additional Financing)


Project 40253-023
Related Projects Search
Type Grant
Sector Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development
Country Viet Nam
Start 2015
End 2020
Status Ongoing
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 4,540
Confinancing Source: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Project Description

The grant is an additional financing to the ongoing loan of Biodiversity Conservation Corridors (BCC) Project, to be funded under the Global Environment Facility (GEF). It is expected to address the ongoing fragmentation of the forest landscape and its ability to provide critical ecosystem services such as carbon storage, sustainable biodiversity and local livelihoods.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Ongoing. The project- overall implementation progress has been approximately achieved at about 75% (as of July 2019) against an elapsed time of 98%. The Memo requesting for an approval of first extension of grant closing date for an additional 12 months, from 30 September 2019 to 30 September 2020- is being internally processed.


Contact 1
Contact Name khuc, huong thi lan
Organization Asian Development Bank
Contact 2
Contact Name -
Organization -
Email -

News and Multimedia

  • By 2022, 18,900 ha restored and an additional 16,100 ha leveraged under reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation for climate change mitigation compared to 2011 baseline; approximately 2,600 households with diversified livelihood assets and/or income generating opportunities; and 5.3 million labor days worth of employment generated through project related conservation and participatory restoration activities.
  • By 2018, management plans and biodiversity corridor policy with legal framework in place covering around 1.93 million ha of forestland and nonforestland; biodiversity conservation corridors mapped and demarcated with cross-border arrangements for maintenance and protection between the Lao PDR and Viet Nam, and Cambodia and Viet Nam; increase in income and/or assets for target households by 40% in Cambodia and the Lao PDR, and 55% in Viet Nam compared to 2011; and at least 30% of the commune and village corridor management committee members are women.