Strengthening the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office


Project 44300-012
Related Projects Search
Type TA
Sector Industry and Trade
Country Regional
Start 2013
End 2016
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 225

Project Description

The expected impact of the TA was Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) effectively performs its key functions as GMS TWG secretariat. The outcome was an enhanced institutional framework for GMS tourism cooperation. Outputs aimed to: (i) prepare a comprehensive MTCO operations plan, (ii) establish a functional web-based GMS tourism knowledge management platform, and (iii) prepare an updated GMS destination marketing strategy and action plan for TWG endorsement.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


Contact 1
Contact Name Schipani, Steven M.
Organization Asian Development Bank
Contact 2
Contact Name -
Organization -
Email -

News and Multimedia

  • Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office effectively performs its key functions as GMS TWG secretariat. The outcome was an enhanced institutional framework for GMS tourism cooperation.