Trade Facilitation: Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary Handling in Greater Mekong Subregion Trade Project (TA - REG)
Project Description
The project will strengthen institutions and operational and management capacities in Cambodia and the Lao PDR for operating cost-effective SPS systems that facilitate trade and protect health.2 The project will focus on GMS trade in agriculture, food, and forestry (AFF) products for which SPS measures for plant health, animal health, and food safety apply. The project will establish, strengthen, and implement (i) surveillance and inspection programs for plant health, animal health, and food safety; (ii) enhanced education levels and university training of SPS specialists; and (iii) regional cooperation and harmonization for SPS measures and practices. It will selectively strengthen food safety capacities of private food handling enterprises and restaurants in tourist areas. The project will be implemented by the national authorities in each country.
Progress (as of March 2021)
Project closedContacts
Contact 1 | |
Contact Name | Doung, Poullang |
Organization | Asian Development Bank | | |
Contact 2 | |
Contact Name | - |
Organization | - |
- |
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