Reviewing Poverty Impact of Regional Integration in the GMS (TA - Supplementary)


Project 37668-022
Related Projects Search
Type TA
Sector Public Sector Management
Country Regional
Start 2005
End 2008
Status Closed
Last Edited 05 Jul 2021


US$('000) 100
Confinancing Source: National Poverty Reduction Strategies

Project Description

Regional integration is expected to contribute significantly to economic growth in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and improve the livelihoods of the people. However, to ensure that the poor benefit fairly from regional integration, appropriate regional, national, and local strategies are needed. Such strategies are particularly important for communities in the front line of border interactions and likely to be directly affected by regional integration. The strategies and the related policies must be based on systematic information on the regional dimensions of poverty. The technical assistance (TA) was prepared to provide a more comprehensive base of information about cross-border livelihood interactions and poverty. It would consider how regional integration could be managed to maximize the benefits to the poor in the cross-border areas while addressing the negative impact.

Progress (as of March 2021)

Project closed


Contact 1
Contact Name Bloom, Erik A.
Organization Asian Development Bank
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  • Economic and social status of the poor significantly enhanced by increased connectivity between the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries, with infrastructure and communication network development and associated regional economic integration.