Upgrade for Highway Linking Cambodia and Viet Nam Proposed

On the road from Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo [2] by Clay Gilliland/ Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
A $97.9 million upgrade for Viet Nam’s National Highway 62 has been proposed to Viet Nam's Ministry of Transport. The renovation work will include road repairs and road widening of specific portions from nine to eleven meters to reduce the travel time from Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, to Cambodia. The project is proposed to start in 2021 with scheduled completion by 2023.
The highway connects Vietnam’s highways No.1, N2 and the HCMC-Trung Luong-My Thuan Expressway. All three are major routes run from HCMC on through the Mekong Delta.
The GMS Southern Economic Corridor Towns Development Project [4] is helping Cambodia enhance the competitiveness of towns along cross border corridor routes by upgrading roads, building wastewater treatment and solid waste management facilities, and implementing flood control measures. The towns and cities along the GMS Southern Economic Corridor [5], which links Cambodia and Viet Nam, are well positioned to serve as dynamic centers of investment and inclusive economic growth for the country and the GMS region.
Last Updated: 4 June 2021