Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Grid Code

The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Regional Grid Code is a key regulatory instrument required to support the pursuit of the GMS energy sector's policy objectives. These objectives are set out in the Inter-Governmental Agreement on Regional Power Trade in the GMS signed on 3 November 2002.
GMS member states have committed to establishing the policy and institutional framework to advance regional electricity trade. Given their different levels of technical capacity, the six GMS countries — Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China (specifically Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam — have agreed to a phased approach to enhance regional power trade.
The GMS Regional Grid Code defines the technical requirements and establishes the rules and procedures for GMS Regional Grid Code Parties, namely the six GMS member countries, to use the power system and to permit the power system to be planned and operated in manner that is safe, reliable, efficient, and economical.
The GMS Grid Code was prepared under two ADB regional technical assistance (RETA), RETA-6440: Facilitating Regional Power Trading and Environmentally Sustainable Development of Electricity Infrastructure in the GMS [5] and RETA 8830: Harmonizing the GMS Power Systems to Facilitate Regional Power Trade [6]. It is under consideration by GMS countries for adoption and enforcement along side with more active interconnections in the year to come. The GMS Regional Grid Code is subject to updating in the future if any change to the codes will be required.
Browse the GMS Regional Grid Code by section:
Preamble [7]
Governance Code [8]
Connection Code [9]
Market Code [14]
Metering Code [15]
Glossary of Terms [17]
Last Updated: 22 January 2021