Join the Challenge: Re-establishing Tourism Confidence through Innovative Digital Solutions

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has opened a #DigitalAgainstCOVID19 Hackathon challenge that seeks to find innovative solutions to fast-track tourism recovery in Southeast Asia in the wake of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The campaign "Re-establishing Tourism Confidence through Innovative Digital Solutions [3]" puts the spotlight on digital solutions that can help restore confidence to domestic and international travel in the region. ADB will grant the chosen solution with potential funding of $10,000 or more to launch selected pilots in ADB's developing member countries.
As Southeast Asia starts to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19 and borders begin to reopen, significant innovation will be needed to support long-term inclusive tourism recovery, underscored the ADB hackathon challenge brief [3]. Innovative solutions are emerging to provide real-time accurate information needed for safe travel planning. With health and safety being a critical consumer concern, innovative solutions can provide tourists with peace of mind through communicating safety protocols and accurate travel information, while promoting local tourism businesses.
The following areas of interest are eligible for the challenge:
- Real-time updates on COVID-19 health and safety protocols implemented by public and private tourism service providers and information about evolving visa, air, and ground transport, accommodation, tours, food and beverage services, and other tourism business operations
- Integrated end-to-end travel planning tools (air and ground transport, accommodations, food and beverages, health, and wellness, etc.) that integrate COVID-19 safety and prevention measures
- Creative digital marketing campaigns that maintain destination visibility and engender consumer confidence to travel again
Visit [3] the challenge page for more information and to share your innovative solutions.
Last Updated: 1 December 2020